(2024/06/21 10:03)TSMC’s 1Q19 EPS was NTD2.37, hitting a 19-quarter low
2019/04/18 18:32 鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵
TSMC (2330-TW), the wafer foundry leader, announced its 1Q19 earnings report today on April 18th. Its 1Q19 net profit was NTD61.39bn (-38.6% QoQ, -31.6% YoY) with EPS of NTD2.37, hitting a 19-quarter low since 3Q14.
TSMC's 1Q19 revenue was US$7.1bn (-24.5% QoQ, -16.1% YoY), meeting previous estimation. Calculated by NTD, its 1Q19 revenue was NTD218.7bn (-24.5% QoQ, -11.8% YoY). Its 1Q19 GM was 41.3% (-6.4% QoQ, -9.0% YoY), meeting the estimation of 41-43%. Its 1Q19 operating margin was 29.4% (-7.6% QoQ, -9.6% YoY), also meeting the estimation of 29-31%.
TSMC's 1Q19 net profit was NTD61.39bn (-38.6% QoQ, -31.6% YoY) with EPS of NTD2.37. Both its 1Q19 net profit and EPS hit a 19-quarter low.
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