英美聯手懸賞1.5億 32歲俄駭客直接上網搶銀行

2019/12/07 07:56 鏡週刊
英美聯手懸賞1.5億 32歲俄駭客直接上網搶銀行

美國聯邦調查局、美國司法部門和英國犯罪調查局昨(6日)聯合發布懸賞布告,通緝犯為32歲的俄羅斯駭客雅庫貝斯(Maksim Yakubets),他被懷疑組織駭客入侵銀行系統,竊取客戶資料,全球都遭殃,光是美國損失金額就高達7000萬美元,英國犯罪調查局公布照片,雅庫貝斯曾開著訂製的藍寶堅尼跑車在街上和警察閒聊,只是當時未被認出。


美國聯邦調查局今天公布嫌犯特徵和懸賞金額500萬美元。(翻攝自FBI 官網)

美國司法部門昨(6日)起訴2位涉嫌網路竊盜的俄羅斯公民, 光是其中一名32歲的俄羅斯駭客雅庫貝斯(Maksim Yakubets),他的懸賞金額就高達500萬美元(約新台幣1.5億元),是歷來網路犯罪的最高懸賞金。


他與另外一名同夥圖拉謝夫(Igor Turashev)被控成立駭客組織「邪惡企業」(Evil Corp.),涉嫌開發2項惡意金融程式病毒Dridex和Cridex,將其植入電腦,並快速在數十個國家傳播,從企業和不同政府機構竊取上億美元。






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An international law enforcement operation has exposed the world’s most harmful cyber crime group, known as Evil Corp. Maksim Yakubets has been indicted in the United States following unprecedented collaboration between the NCA, FBI, National Cyber Security Centre and the Department of Justice. Evil Corp created and deployed malware causing financial losses totalling hundreds of millions of pounds in the UK alone. The NCA began working with multiple partners to investigate one of the group’s core malware strains, Dridex, in 2014. Dridex has been targeting UK victims since at least 2014, compromising and stealing from large organisations, SMEs and the general public. Our officers developed intelligence and identified evidential material over several years to support the US indictments. Yakubets drives a customised Lamborghini supercar with a personalised number plate that translates to ‘Thief’ and spent over a quarter of a million pounds on his wedding. Members of Evil Corp are living a lavish lifestyle, funded by the life savings of their victims. He is now subject to a $5 million US State Department reward – the largest ever reward for a cyber criminal. Full story on the news section of our website: nca.gov.uk

National Crime Agency - NCA(@national_crime_agency)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 12月 月 5 日 上午 11:23 張貼



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