中東局勢越演越烈!根據外媒報導,美軍駐伊拉克「阿薩德空軍基地」(Ain al-Assad airbase)等多個據點遭到火箭彈襲擊,目前傷亡狀況不明,白宮指出,總統川普已聽取簡報,國安團隊密切注意發展。
▼有數枚火箭攻擊美軍駐伊拉克阿薩德空軍基地(Al-Asad Air Base)。(圖/翻攝自Google地圖)
美國上週以無人機空襲擊殺伊朗軍事指揮官蘇雷曼尼(Qassem Soleimani),兩國之間緊張關係惡化,伊朗揚言要對擊殺其軍事將領的美國展開報復行動後,根據CNN報導,今日飛彈數量至少有10枚攻擊美國和盟軍駐伊拉克西部阿薩德空軍基地,正進行初步損害評估。
支持伊朗的伊拉克陣營已誓言,聯手「回應」美國上週以無人機在巴格達擊殺伊朗革命衛隊的聖城部隊(Quds Force)指揮官蘇雷曼尼(Qassem Soleimani)。
BREAKING: At least 10 rockets hit the Al-Asad airbase in Iraq, which houses U.S. forces.
— Elma Aksalic (@ElmaAksalic) January 7, 2020
Qatri al-Obeidi, a commander in the nearby town of al-Baghdadi, said that the shelling has stopped for now. pic.twitter.com/BnO4o3XKii
Iranian TV announces first response to Soleimani’s assassination.
— TIMES OF GAZA (@Timesofgaza) January 7, 2020
There are confirmed reports of 6 missiles fired on US Airbase in Ain al-Asad (Anbar province) of Iraq. Casualties of US troops reported.