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The World’s biggest blockchain summit is coming to Taiwan next year

2018/11/28 18:34 鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵
The World’s biggest blockchain summit is coming to Taiwan next year

Blockchain applications are on the rise. World Blockchain Summit (WBS) will partner with New Taipei City Government to hold a summit in Taiwan in April, 2019. Global blockchain experts are invited to have conversations with Taiwan’s government-industry-academic to explore the application and development opportunities of blockchain in the industry.

WBS is the world's largest blockchain summit. It has held blockchain summits in Singapore, Dubai, Moscow, Frankfurt and Amsterdam. Blockchain experts around the world and large international investment companies were invited to jointly explore the use and development opportunities of blockchain industry.

According to the plan, WBS will invite Kavita Gupta, founder of ConseSys, Nick Spanos, founder of Bitcoin Center NYC, Pavel Kravchenk, founder of Distributed Lab, Joe Seung Hyun Cho, co-founder and CEO of Marvelstone Group and so on to attend the summit.

Mohammed Saleem, founder of Trescon, who arranged the summit, told that the main purpose of the summit in Taipei next year is for Taiwan's blockchain opinion leaders, solution providers and start-ups to explore blockchain applications and opportunities by using decentralized system as a solution in the industry of public health, transportation, agriculture and finance.

According to Gartner research, global blockchain market is expected to hit US$170bn (equivalent to NTD5.1tn) in 2025.

In fact, the blockchain industry in Taiwan is booming as well. Taiwan’s companies are actively involved in the blockchain-related trend. For instance, Asian Blockchain Accelerator (ABA) has cooperate with ACE Exchange and Taiwan's first dedicated digital currency fund ACE Blockchain Fund (ABF) to build Asia's most completed ACE Blockchain Ecosystem (ABE). The goal is to incubate at least 10 companies within one year.

In addition, the blockchain platform NEM announced that it will enter Taiwan to assist enterprises to apply blockchain services. NEM initially targets financial and medical industries in Taiwan. In financial industry, the tamper-proof feature of blockchain allows the banks to record electronic checks, commercial bill of exchange, etc. in the blockchain.


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關鍵字: blockchainwbssummittaiwan2019anue