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NAND Flash vendors estimated that price decline may ease in 2Q19

2019/02/27 18:04 鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵
NAND Flash vendors estimated that price decline may ease in 2Q19

The price of NAND Flash fell sharply last year and the demand remains weak in 1Q19 due to low-season. NAND Flash downstream vendors pointed out that the price of NAND Flash plunges in 1Q19. However, the decline is expected to be more than 70% for the whole year then price decline is expected to ease in 2Q19.

It is reported that the price decline of NAND Flash has exceeded 15% since the beginning of FY19. DRAMeXchange, a subsidiary of research institute TrendForce, also estimated that the average price of NAND Flash may fall 20% in 1Q19, may continuously fall 15% in 2Q19. However, catalyzed by peak-season demand in 2H19, the decline is expected to ease.

NAND Flash downstream vendors said NAND Flash prices will plunge in 1Q19. However, due to NAND Flash supply has surpassed market demand, suppliers may adjust their capacity so that NAND flash prices are likely to stop falling in 2Q19.


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關鍵字: nandflashpriceanue