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(2020/10/07 17:51)Fire occurred in Makalot’s Vietnam plants; JUL19 shipment is delayed
2019/07/22 18:28 鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵
Leading garment manufacturer Makalot (1477-TW)’s Vietnam plant had a fire accident yesterday on July 21st.The company told that since there is still additional space in its Vietnam site to maintain the capacity, its FY19 revenue/earnings will not be affected. Initially, its JUL19 shipment is expected to be partially postponed to AUG19.
Makalot told that the company has 6 plants in Vietnam. The fire accident occurred in 2 of its plants, which are mainly supplied to American clients. Nevertheless, there are still 2 new plants nearby with sufficient space and spare equipment. The company only need to transfer the workers and undamaged equipment to the new ones, then the production will resume after getting the approval from clients.
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