台積電、聯發科衝波段高 台股漲逾240點
(2024/12/16 09:19)Win Semiconductors’ 2Q19 net profit was NTD774mn, nearly 1-year high

Win Semiconductors (3105-TW) held an investors conference and announced its 2Q19 earnings report today on July 30. Its 2Q19 net profit was NTD774mn (+344.24% QoQ, -15.03% YoY) with EPS of NTD1.87, topped the expectation. Its 1H19 net profit was NTD924mn (-43.9% YoY) with EPS of NTD2.28. The company pointed out that catalyzed by the PA client in Asia, who may launch new product in 3Q19, the demand may continue to grow.
Win Semiconductors’ 2Q19 revenue was NTD4.451bn (+22.98% QoQ, -2.54% YoY). Its 2Q19 GM was 33.98% (+9.03% QoQ, +1.59% YoY). Its 2Q19 operating Profit Margin was 20.62% (+12.33% QoQ, -0.09% YoY). Its 2Q19 net profit was NTD774mn (+344.24% QoQ, -15.03% YoY) with EPS of NTD1.87
Its 1H19 revenue was NTD8.07bn (-10.6% YoY). Its 1H19 GM was 29.93% (-3.29% YoY). Its 2Q19 operating profit margin was 15.09% (-6.92% YoY). Its 1H19 net profit was NTD924mn (-43.9% YoY) with EPS of NTD2.28. Its 1H19 Profit margin was 11.45% (-6.79% YoY).
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