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Catalyzed by Apple’s demand, GESO's JUL19 revenue hit a new high

2019/08/07 20:12 鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵
Catalyzed by Apple’s demand, GESO's JUL19 revenue hit a new high

Catalyzed by the inventory ramp-up of Apple's new iPhone components, the need of multi-lens design increased, leading optical components’ revenues to continue to grow. Largan’s (3008-TW) and GeniuS Electronic Optical’s(GESO) (3406-TW) JUL19 revenue grew significantly, accordingly. GESO announced its JUL19 revenue today on August 7th. Its JUL19 revenue was NTD1.284bn, hitting a new high and the second highest in its history. Its NOV12 reached NTD1.33bn.

GESO's JUL19 revenue was NTD1.284bn (+49.66% MoM, +67.3% YoY). Its JAN19-JUL19 revenue was NTD4.49bn (+7.52% YoY).

A manager of GESO pointed out that it was obvious that the demand from main client was robust, catalyzing its JUL19 revenue. At the same time, the shipment of deep sea fishing boat’s fishing light continued in JUL19, contributing to its revenue of less than NTD100mn. Its JUL19 revenue grew significantly, catalyzed by the shipment growth of optical components companies. The company holds an positive outlook toward its AUG19 revenue.


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關鍵字: GESOopticallarganrevenueapple