郭董70大壽感性發文:鴻海非常好 希望大家繼續支持
(2020/10/19 17:13)Foxconn’s Guo ended 8 consecutive months of overweight on Hon Hai
Hon Hai’s (2317-TW) founder Terry Gou stopped buying Hon Hai in July, ending the 8 consecutive months of overweight since November last year. As TAIEX dropped by more than 100 points today on August 15th, Hon Hai’s market value dropped below NTD1tn.
According to the data, Guo held a total of 1,337,900 shares in July. He stopped buying Hon Hai in July, ending the 8 consecutive months of overweight.
From November last year to June this year, Guo has bought 40,500 shares of Hon Hai for 8 consecutive months, and currently holds 9.65% of the shares.
Since Dow dropped 800 points and TAIEX dropped by more than 100 points today on August 15th, Hon Hai fell by NTD1 or 1.38% to NTD71.6. Its market value also decreased by NTD13.863bn to NTD992.59bn, dropping below NTD1tn.
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