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CBC supports liquidity of domestic bank in Hong Kong bank run scenario

2019/08/16 20:10 鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵
CBC supports liquidity of domestic bank in Hong Kong bank run scenario

The conflict in Hong Kong continued. Hong Kong experienced a bank run today on Aug 16th. CBC told that it is paying close attention to the development of the event. And, if the domestic banks have foreign currency funding needs to support its Hong Kong branch, CBC will provide liquidity support in a timely manner.

CBC recently told that the current operation of the domestic banks in Hong Kong remain normal.

The Ministry of Finance, R.O.C. (Taiwan) told that a total of about NTD200bn for domestic banks in Hong Kong is at risk, but the current situation is still good.

Since the main business of domestic banks in Hong Kong is corporate banking, the FSC pointed out that the conflict in Hong Kong will have limited impact on domestic banks.


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關鍵字: hong kongbank runCBCFSC