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TSMC may distribute a cash dividend of NTD10 per share this year

2019/02/19 18:40 鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵
TSMC may distribute a cash dividend of NTD10 per share this year

TSMC (2330-TW), wafer foundry leader, convened a BOD meeting today on February 19th. Based on FY18’s earnings report, the company planned to distribute a cash dividend of NTD10 per share this year, increased by NTD2 YoY. TSMC also revised company's articles of association that cash dividends will be distributed within 6 months after the approval of the BOD in every quarter. This is the first-time distributing dividends quarterly as well.

TSMC told that the revised articles of association will be submitted to the shareholders'meeting for approval. The BOD may distribute cash dividends quarterly in the future. After getting the approval from shareholders' meeting, the cash dividends will be distributed within 6 months after the approval of the BOD quarterly.

TSMC also planned that 1Q19 cash dividend of NTD2 per share will be approved in 2Q19 and will be distributed in 4Q19.  

TSMC said that shareholders holding TSMC shares will receive a cash dividend of NTD8 per share in Jul19 and a cash dividend of NTD2 per share in 4Q19. Shareholders will therefore receive a total of NTD10 cash dividend per share this year.


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關鍵字: tsmctaiwancashdividendanue