三星釋高階PCB訂單 韓廠DAP大贏家
(2019/12/24 11:53)Winbond chairman: Supply-chain pain of Korean firms may eased in 3-mth
Yu-cheng Chiao (焦佑鈞), the executive director of Chinese National Federation of Industry (CNFI) and also the chairman of Winbond (2344-TW), told on July 29th that the transfer of supply chain is not easy, but it is a future trend that we have no choice but to do it. Regarading Japanese-Korean trade war, Chiao believed that the Korean company's three-month export application to Japan will become a normal condition, and the oversupply situation in memory industry can be improved during these three months.
Chiao believed that if Korean companies cuts the production due to lack of key raw materials, the inventory digestion can be improve and the problem of oversupply in the industry can be eased. Additionally, the oversupply in memory market can be adjusted during these three months as well.
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