(2024/06/21 10:03)TSMC still expects growth in 2H19 despite of US ban on Huawei
TSMC (2330-TW) held the TSMC 2019 Technology Symposium today on May 23rd. Although there are concerns that the US ban on Huawei will affect TSMC's orders, leading the company to revise down its FY19 guidance, TSMC stressed that its 2H19 should still show improvement over 1H19. Also, the expectation of a slight increase in FY19 revenue is unchanged.
Due to the US ban on Huawei, many semiconductor manufacturers have stopped to supply Huawei. ARM also cuts ties with Huawei and stop the cooperation and licenses support with Huawei. Since Huawei’s subsidiary HiSilicon is the second largest customer of TSMC, the market worried that it may affect TSMC's orders.
However, TSMC spokesman Elizabeth Sun told in TSMC 2019 Technology Symposium that the company would maintain supplies to Huawei for the time being. And, there will be no major changes in the wafer shipments and the technology provided to customers. TSMC’s 2Q19 guidance will not be affected as well.
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