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TSMC’s Ho will be responsible for the Eurasian business from September

2019/07/01 19:02 鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵
TSMC’s Ho will be responsible for the Eurasian business from September

TSMC (2330-TW) announced today on July 1st that the current senior deputy general manager and CFO Lora Ho (何麗梅) will be responsible for the Eurasian business from September 1st. Her position will be taken over by the current deputy finance chief, Ren-Jhao Huang (黃仁昭).

TSMC said that after the statutory appointment process is completed by the end of August, Ho will be mainly responsible for the Eurasian business. Her position of CFO and spokesperson will be taken over by the current deputy finance chief, Ren-Jhao Huang (黃仁昭) from September 1st.

Ho is the only female senior vice president of TSMC's current 30 senior executives. She is also the female executive with the highest position, preceded only by the chairman Mark Liu (劉德音)and the president C.C.Wei (魏哲家). She will serve as the senior vice president for Eurasian business and is also about to step down as the CFO and spokesperson in September.


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關鍵字: tsmcEurasiancfospokespersonanue