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Makalot’s FY19 revenue is estimated to hit a new high of NTD28bn

2019/07/08 18:25 鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵
Makalot’s FY19 revenue is estimated to hit a new high of NTD28bn

Makalot (1477-TW), a leading garment manufacturer, enjoyed strong revenue in 2Q19. Institutional investors estimated that catalyzed by the growth of Japanese brands and US distributors in FY19, the company’s 3Q19 revenue is expected to increase by 10% and its 4Q19 revenue may also increase by 10-15%. Moreover, its FY19 revenue is estimated to hit a new high of NTD28bn with EPS of more than NTD9.

The company pointed out that the top 10 clients are in good condition this year, especially the clients from Japanese brands and US distributors. As the company enters its peak season in 3Q19, the company’s revenue/earnings may hit new highs.

In 4Q19, Makalot told that although the company may enter its low-season in November, the order volume and price may still grow further. Moreover, according to historical figures, if the company enjoys strong revenue/earanings in 4Q19, its 1Q20 revenue/earnings may be promising as well.


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關鍵字: Makalotfy19revenuepeakseasonanue