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TSMC will distribute a cash dividend of NTD2 per share for 1Q19

2019/07/09 18:26 鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵
TSMC will distribute a cash dividend of NTD2 per share for 1Q19

TSMC (2330-TW) announced today on July 9th that the company will distribute a cash dividend of NTD2 per share. The record date is set to be on September 25th, and the ex-dividend date is on September 19th. The cash dividend will be distributed on October 17.

TSMC passed the amendments to the articles of incorporation at the shareholders meeting on June 5. The board of directors (BOD) will be able to decide the cash dividends distribution every quarter. The BOD decided its 1Q19 cash dividend of NTD2 per share and it is expected to be distributed in 4Q19.



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關鍵字: tsmccashdividendanue