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Terry Gou bought Hon Hai for 1790,000 shares in April

2019/05/15 18:37 鉅亨網編譯凌郁涵
Terry Gou bought Hon Hai for 1790,000 shares in April

Hon Hai’s (2317-TW) Chairman Terry Gou keeps overweighting on Hon Hai. In April, he bought 1790,000 shares. This is the 6th consecutive month that Guo has bought his own company’s stock, with a total of over 38,300,000 shares overweighted.

According to MOPS, Gou started to buy Hon Hai for 27,000,000 shares in November and 3,000,000 shares in December last year. In this year, he bought 3,000,000 shares in January, 1,500,000 shares in February, 2,000,000 shares in March and 1,790,000 shares in April. Gou overweight on Hon Hai for over 38,300,000 shares in 6 months and he holds Hon Hai for 1,335,800,000 shares with shareholding ratio of 9.63%.


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